This is a simple implementation of the lambda calculus that converts expressions in the lambda calculus into expressions in the combinator logic. Expressions are reduced into normal form using combinator reduction techniques. It's effectively a (very) simple functional language with static binding and call-by-name semantics. It's pretty much Church's pure untyped lambda calculus, where the only syntactic sugaring has been the addition of let and let rec bindings. You need Objective Caml version 3.04 or later to build this, but it might work with an older version. To build the program, you just have to do the usual './configure; make' cycle. The result will be an executable called 'lazy-l', which you can run. 'make all.opt' will build a native code optimized version of the interpreter called 'lazy-l.opt', if your Objective Caml installation supports native code compilation. The program will optionally read a prelude file of initial definitions from a file specified on the command line before giving you a read-eval-print loop. The system is very simple, and supports *nothing* but functions for now; you need to express numbers as Church numerals (the sample prelude file 'Prelude' included here has definitions for arithmetic with Church numerals). As an example of the usage of the interpreter, this binding will calculate the fourth Fibonacci number: let four = succ (succ two) in let rec fib n = cond (or (iszero n) (iszero (pred n))) one (add (fib (pred n)) (fib (pred (pred n)))) in fib four; The interpreter will print the result in combinator form: ((S ((S (K S)) K)) ((S ((S (K S)) K)) ((S ((S (K S)) K)) ((S ((S (K S)) K)) I)))) By applying f x to this, ((S ((S (K S)) K)) ((S ((S (K S)) K)) ((S ((S (K S)) K)) ((S ((S (K S)) K)) I)))) f x; it is readily seen to be a Church numeral, the Church numeral for 5: ( ( ( ( ( ))))) It is also possible to create toplevel bindings in the interpreter, by using let or let rec without an 'in': > let rec fib n = cond (or (iszero n) (iszero (pred n))) one (add (fib (pred n)) (fib (pred (pred n)))); Which will print the (very very long!) combinator expression this expands to. These bindings can then be used as though they were builtins: > let four = succ (succ two); ((S ((S (K S)) K)) ((S ((S (K S)) K)) ((S ((S (K S)) K)) I))) >(fib four) f x; ( ( ( ( ( ))))) The Prelude file is actually just a collection of these toplevel bindings. These examples will only work if you've loaded the Prelude file above. Anonymous functions can also be generated using the lambda or \ keywords: > let four = \f.\x.f (f (f x)); ((S ((S (K S)) ((S (K K)) I))) ((S ((S (K S)) ((S (K K)) I))) ((S ((S (K S)) ((S (K K)) I))) (K I)))) which is a highly unoptimized version of the Church numeral for 4. To be honest, there still isn't very much you can do with this code except explore combinator logic and the lambda calculus. I guess it would be very useful as a teaching tool for classes in functional programming and the theory of computation. If you hack the code a little bit and change line 21 of the file from: print_string ((tree_to_string result) ^ "\n"); to read print_string ((tree_to_unl result) ^ "\n"); it can also be used as a compiler from the lambda calculus into Unlambda. Note that because Unlambda intepreters use call-by-value instead of call-by-name semantics, let rec will not work; it will generate code that is correct but will cause the eager evaluating unlambda interpreters to run in an infinite loop. This is because the fixed point combinators as I've defined them in the prelude only work in call-by-name or call-by-need environments. Beware. Things to do: Future versions of this interpreter will probably include optimizations in the abstraction elimination code, the Turner set of combinators, and some optimizations. Right now the code is actually quite slow. For more information on combinator logic, the following links will be useful: Introduction to Functional Programming: Combinators and Graph Reduction Online Course at Oberlin College: Unlambda: John's Combinatory Logic Playground: TIGRE home page: Another similar lambda calculus interpreter, written in Java, that doesn't use combinator logic: Let me know what you think, and let me know of any bugs or suggestions for improvement. Rafael R. Sevilla, $Id: README,v 2002/04/29 07:07:48 didosevilla Exp $